My latest articles

Primarily articles about web development and my personal life

By Pelle van der Knaap

A review of Lexington Themes by Michael Andreuzza

A well constructed theme packs that excels in design but ultimately lacks in code quality

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By Pelle van der Knaap

How to set-up Directus with Litestream to continuously backup your data

A how to guide on setting up Directus with Litestream to continuously backup your data

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By Pelle van der Knaap

Serving the perfect image to every device with Astro 3.3 and up

Serving the right image to every device is difficult. Luckily, Astro 3.3 offers a toolbox of tools to make it easier.

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By Pelle van der Knaap

My thoughts on Arc, from the perspective of a developer

A review of Arc from the perspective of a developer. I share my thoughts on the browser, the good parts, the bad parts, and some nice-to-haves.

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By Pelle van der Knaap

Dynamic Open Graph Images with Satori and Astro

Open Graph Images are a great way to improve the social sharing experience of your website. In this post I'll show you how to create them and how to generate them dynamically with any static site generator, like Astro, Nuxt or Next.

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By Pelle van der Knaap

Beautiful & Minimal progress indicator built with Motion One

Learn how to build a minimal and beautiful progress indicator with Motion One. It is a great way to spice up your articles, blog posts and documentation.

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By Pelle van der Knaap

A short introduction to Motion One, the new kid on the block

Motion One is the new kid on the block when it comes to animation libraries. It is based on native browser APIs, which makes it incredibly fast and lightweight. In this article, I'll give you a short introduction to Motion One, and explain why you should use it.

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By Pelle van der Knaap

Optimizing performance by subsetting fonts

Font subsetting is an incredible technique to reduce the file size of fonts and speed up page load times. In this article, we will explore a few techniques that Google Fonts uses to optimize font performance on the web.

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